Released 2DCD v.

After the success of DiSiS on the Italian market, Digital Queen has decided to create a specific product for foreign markets, 2D Crash Draw, which anticipates DiSiS v.4.0 which will soon be released in Italy.
2D Crash Draw and DiSiS will share everything except the document management service, which will remain on DiSiS only.
Of course, multilingual support will only be available on 2D Crash Draw. Specifically, the currently supported languages are English, Spanish, French, German and Albanian.
Version 4.0 of DiSiS, from which 2D Crash Draw was born, represents an important product evolution and brings the introduction of a new graphical interface for object management.
The property windows give way to a sidebar in which the list of objects and the properties of the selected object take place.
The list of objects has been completely redesigned, it is now possible to locate objects very easily and view them both by category and with the classic stack to manage drawing layers.
In this version, all objects have properties, including text, images, silhouettes, road sections and Google Maps.
The Text object has been enhanced, in fact it is now possible to manage the alignment of the text and the position of the object in a precise manner.
The properties of the objects, when they are many, are organized in convenient tabs that group them by category.
Multi-selection has been introduced and with it the possibility of grouping objects.
Customizable objects have also been included, with which the user can autonomously define work tools which he can then use within other drawings.
For example, the user will be able to create road sections with lines, to then save the road section as an object and recall the entire drawing within another.
Multi-selection has given developers the opportunity to introduce a number of very useful functions, such as object alignment and the ability to resize objects based on the size of a specific object.
The other big news is given by the possibility of creating altimetric drawings thanks to the introduction of the side views of the car models. To date these views are available on approximately 800 models, but with subsequent updates we hope to cover all models currently available in top view.
There are some news also on the skid marks front: it is now possible to transform a line (straight or curved) into a skid mark with a click!
There's a lot of irons on the fire, we invite you to try it to find out how easy it is to draw a road accident with 2D Crash Draw.
We take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and peaceful new year.
2DCD Development Team